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Google apps
The easy way to remotely connect with your home or work computer, or provide remote support.
Securely access your computer whenever you're away, using your phone, tablet, or another computer.
Connect with another computer to collaborate or give remote support.
It's fast and simple
Whether you need to access your work computer from home, view a file from your home computer while traveling, or share your screen with friends or colleagues, Chrome Remote Desktop connects you to your devices using the latest web technologies.
Remotely access your computer to view files or run programs anytime, from anywhere.
Built on Google's secure infrastructure using the latest open web technologies like WebRTC, you can connect to your devices or share your screen with confidence.
Connect however you want, using a computer or your Android or iOS device. Whichever way you choose, you can rely on easy access to all of your computers and files when you need them.